Obec Bolatice
Obec Bolatice

History of Bolatice

History of Bolatice

Bolatice belongs to the oldest villages in Hlučínsko region. The first written notice comes from the year 1250 when a pope Inocenc IV. gave the area of the village under the protection of Cistercian friary from Velehrad. The Cistercian monks left there the most important monuments for future generations. They built the church of Saint Stanislav in 1703 that was enlarged and repaired by our forefathers in 1911 – 1912. The church is pride of the community also because the community itself and the citizens participate in the repairs. A steeple of the church was repaired and a roof covering the central nave was replaced in 2000. Side naves of the church will be repaired this year thanks to a contribution of the village and gathering of the citizens.
Historic photo of Bolatice
The second view point of the village is a baroque castle with a stone gantry that was built by Cistercians in 1724 – 1749. The castle served as a seat of Cistercians. It changed owners in a course of centuries and it became a property of the village after the WWII. There was a local people’s committee, school, library, post office, shops and savings bank. But the building dilapidated so the general repair started in 1995 and it was finished mainly from municipal money in 1999. Nowadays the castle is a seat of the Municipal Authority of Bolatice. There is also a ceremonial hall for weddings, for organizing meetings of the citizens and mayors, smaller concerts and a club room that is used by local associations mainly by chess players and retirees.
The third cultural monument built by Cistercians is the chapel of St. Nicolas constructed at the end of the 18th century. It was repaired by the community in cooperation with the citizens in 2005. Every year a procession which celebrates the Corpus Christi leads to the chapel. The worshippers take care of both the chapel and church.
Historic photo of BolaticeThere are 3 more chapels in the village. One is owned by a parish and the other two are property of our citizens. Křeménky gamekeeper’s house is very important building that was built by prince of Lichnov for a German Caesar Vilém II. in 1901 who should have visited our village. The gamekeeper’s house is the property of Křeménky Hunting Society whose members changed it with financial contribution of the community from really dilapidated building into a wonderful site. They built there an area for their association and for the public and they organize not only parades of hunting dogs but also cultural events for the general public (e.g. gamekeeper’s celebration, country day). The Křeménky area is used by the citizens on various events (e.g. family celebrations) as well as by the pupils when learning about fauna and flora of our forests and fields. 
Because the community and its citizens came through an unsettled history (the area devolved to Prussia after a lost war between Austria-Hungary and Prussia in 1742 and remained in Prussian possession until 1920, then it belonged to Germany as a part of Altreich from 1938 to 1945), the men from the village had to joint up in both world wars where several hundreds of them died. In commemoration of people and soldiers who died in the village during the so called Ostrava campaign at WWII there are five memorials. The community takes care of them together with the citizens.
The community started to restore a country in the second half of 1990’s and a program for regeneration of the country was created in cooperation with the citizens. Within the scope of this program the community restored monuments, traditions and customs, planted the verdure, started to care of the air quality, etc. A part of this program was i.a. to raise an open air museum of folkways that was built in 2002 thanks to a helpful citizen who owned a farmhouse more than 200 years old, EU grant – Sapard and mainly thanks to the citizen’s contributions and their help. It is still pride of the whole Hlučínsko region. The visitor can see there how our forefathers lived (traditional kitchen, bedroom, wash room, cowshed and stable, room for a maidservant, premises where the long-held tools, equipment and household goods are displayed and agricultural machines are in a barn and farmyard). Many events take place In this area during the year e.g. raising of a May pole, brass music concerts, meeting of retirees, pig-sticking, singing carols, live Bethlehem, etc. The open air museum is opened up for the general public and thousands of pupils and adults visit it every year.
Historic photo of Bolatice
The community of Bolatice is known for rich cultural-social life. There are more than 25 associations and groups that put their mind to development of free-time activities and hobbies of our citizens and they organize tens of various events.
Almost 100 events for both children and adults take place in the village organized by the community or associations every year. To the well known events belong Village Ball, Farewell to Shrove, Welcoming of the Spring, Earth Day, Raising of a May pole, march and run – “Bolatice’s 20”, May pole Felling, Parish Day, Leave of 9th Grade Students, Sport’s, Gamekeeper’s and Fire fighter’s Festivals, Country Festival, Harvest Festival, Street Festival organized by the citizens, Gardener’s and Handymen’s Exhibition, European Mobility Week, Health days, Ghost Day with a fairy lamp parade, Pig-sticking in the open air museum, Meeting with Entrepreneurs, Carols in the open air museum and in the square in Borová, Christmas concerts or live Bethlehem in the open air museum.
Traditions and customs are developed by the local elementary school and kindergarten and by members of Retiree Club with assistance of the community. Retirees of Bolatice and Burianky child folk group are known for their beautiful costumes and mainly for songs, dance and story telling in the whole region. Two local brass music groups and various music bands (folk, country, rock) perform during several events in the village.
The book Ein Herr aus Bolatitz by native of Bolatice August Scholtise (1901 – 1969), who later became German writer and journalist, was translated into Czech in 2008. The book met with success because it describes the life of our forefathers from the beginning of the 20th century to 1950’s.
The community has regenerated many interesting places since 2000 e.g. U velkého kamene spring, spring in Důlek, source of the stream Zbojnička called Pinkadélko in the Chuchelenský forest This place with forest foot-paths 6 km long serves as the nature trail for the general public where people can get to know fauna and flora of our forest from informative notices and signs. Cleanness is assured by Kondor child association and also by tourists.
It is a pity that there took place one of the most severe fights of Ostrava campaign in April, 1945. 80% of the community was destroyed so that there are not almost any original houses.
Historic photo of Bolatice
The community edited an almanac for the next generations in 2000 that describes the history of the village. The citizens can look in a copy of village chronicle in a local library (we prepare also an internet version of the chronicle). Several documentary films describing the life in the village have been made in recent years.
 The community will celebrate 760th years anniversary of the first written notice of the village in 2010. A comprehensive publication of history of the village and a documentary film that records the community from 1950’s till present are prepared in cooperation with the citizens.



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